Archives for posts with tag: advice

It’s been awhile since I put finger tips to keys. I started this blog after a major step in my life and at the first notice of greener pastures I dropped my project. And here I am again — sad, alone, blogging. Nothing majorly new happening…

Aside from my previous posts — today there is a new velvet handcuff — or set of them. I’m trapped by my own negative thinking; I’m trapped by my thought filters and my relationship is suffering; I’m trapped by the warm blankets in the morning when I should go for a run, eat a good breakfast, surf, find a new job, drive away from the McDonalds drive-through, work on my graduate school applications, submit writing pieces to local papers…. I’m forgetting myself and all the hard work I put into being couragous and enthusiastic about the next phase of my life. I’ve been allowing myself again to coast through life with the drugs of sugar, television and doubt.

The result of years of repetition and complacency, I’m not used to standing up for myself and never cultivated what I truly want out of life. Here again, I made a change and then fell into awful awful habits.

YARGH – SIGH – SNORT – DAMN – #$%^curse words @$%@#&****%$@@ and more curse words &*()^(*^&*&()(&%$%^^

<breath in – breath out>

Okay — I suffer from thought attacks, that’s all that is. One bad thing happens and I jump  to a million conclusions of what it could be, how it’s my fault, and how the entirety of my existence will continue to perpetuate such failures…. But, I am happy to say here that I’m confronting this issue I just discovered and am trying to bounce back from it. I did a little online reading and posted some articles I found to be interesting. They inspired me to keep on task and to keep thinking about my next steps… I think I still need to formulate my goals before I can run toward them, but I’m confident that once I figure this out I will be able to get there – it’s all a process! Enjoy the process!! I will regroup and write again (soon this time)!



A number of my friends decided on graduate school because they needed change. Some were headed toward their destiny, while others simply found an expensive and timely distraction.

Is continuing education my dream? It was. I applied last year to the USC Masters Program in Social Work. I was accepted. But I was couldn’t afford it. The future debt compared to my future earnings made it an insensible undertaking. So I declined my acceptance and was yet again thrust into the pains of uncertainty and forestallment.

What am I going to do? My dream earlier this year was to attend an MSW program, then work at a non-profit, then open a private practice melding together mind/body approaches to healing. Maybe. Kind of. I think?

Dreams. What is a dream? How do we choose a dream and then follow it? A quote I love goes something like this: “shoot for the moon and you’ll fall amongst the stars.”

Where is my moon? Wo is my moon? What is my moon?

In addition to quiting my job, life has given me a few rotten lemons – I couldn’t make lemonade if my life depended on it! I found out that someone had stolen my identity, the issue caused me to be late on certain bill payments tied to my accout, I got 3 parking tickets from street cleaning near my home, someone tried to steal from my car and destroyed it in the process, then someone crashed into my car while it was parked, not to mention that I almost failed my night classes and was running into fights with a ton of friends and family members.

It really sucks. I’ll start there. And if anyone you know if having a rough time, please just tell them, “I’m sorry that happened to you” and then listen. Don’t offer advice unless solicited!

That said, everything is fixable and heals with time. That is what I tell myself during these kinds of periods and I also adopt a yoga routine, try to surf, buy self-help books, pick up a favorite TV show, knit, and so on. Anything and everything to distract me from the issue.

How to get through it? Well, everyone copes differently. Me, I did and am doing a few of the following:

  • I’m getting a lot of support from the self-help book The Ten Things to Do When Your Life Falls Apart. It jives with my goal of getting through this and also retaining my spirituality and sense of peace. It also provides more indepth thoughts on how to get through things. I will give all her tips a try but below are just a few things I’ve noticed so far on my own.
  • Distraction is good, like using some of my above methods, but be careful not to neglect your duties. Although stressful, make a list of all the shit you have you to do and think of it as a game to cross items off. Another word of caution – don’t let the list consume you, there will always be stuff to do – accept it. Priority-based timelines will help to keep your stress levels low, and also noting a difference between what you NEED to do and what you WANT to do.
  • Cry and allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling – that way you won’t become a rebot when everything is said and done.
  • Be humble. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, take a job at a lower pay or title, apolgoize or admit your wrong.
  • Do something violent (but legal) – run really fast, take a boxing lesson, go to a shooting range, play a game of paintball, learn archery – or just get out there and be physical. I mention the violence because soemtimes you are going to be angry. Admit it. Accept it. And know that it’s healthy to get that out of your system – you’ll be surprised how calm you are because even in violent sports you need to be calm, breathe, take aim and trust yourself and someone else.
  • Enjoy your friends and family. Yes, they will listen and help you through a rough time. But try to enjoy your time with time with them – go to the beach, share a drink, watch a movie, have some ice cream, take a pottery or painting class, have a conversation about everything accept what’s bugging you, etc.
  • Do something out of this world. I asked my friend to give me a tarot reading. We had a lot of fun and I think that helped me give some other-worldly justification to my decisions and future. Other options would include going to a church, talking to your spiritually oriented friend, going to a yoga class or meditation class, jump in a float tank, whatever goes! Just get out there and connect yourself to the beyond — and if you’re an athetist, then go enjoy something beautiful! A musuem, the zoo, a nature hike – anything.
  • No matter how small – try to do something you’ve always wanted to do! Most recently, I bought a pair of color contacts. I always wanted green eyes and so I did it! It was hysterical to watch my buddy teaching me how to put them in – we laughed the whole time and after I got em in I had fufilled a tiny goal I carried with me for years! (Other goals? Trying a new food, bungee jumping, making new friends, going on a date, traveling, go on a hike, or teach youself something new.) The point being that you can regain your confidence in your strength and ability to set goals and achieve them.
  •  Don’t watch the news for awhile– it make me a less informed citizen in the short-term, but the news only compounds your stress and fear about current affairs, politics, and the future. In a stormy phase, just skip the external dramas.
  • Indulge in your bad habits and dirty secrets for a little while – buy the trashy celebrty magazine, watch your favorite corny show, take your shower tomorrow,  play hours of mafia wars, giggle when people trip and tease others, yell, scream, honk your horn! Just do what you want to do for a little while – you’ll feel like a bad ass.

Anyway, I will talk more about the above ideas and my experiences – please submit additional ideas as a comment!

Thank you.